


Secretary of Foreign Affairs

For Africa Day

[25 May 2020]

My heartfelt greetings to all our African brothers and sisters on the occasion of Africa Day, a holiday that manifest the unity and solidarity of the African continent.

The celebration of Africa Day is a retelling of the long history of struggle against colonialism and apartheid, the emergence of the newly-independent African states, and the eventual formation of the African Union (AU), which continues to play a significant role in charting the future course of the African continent.

The AU has crafted an ambitious masterplan called Agenda 2063 to ensure inclusive and sustainable economic growth, founded on the principles of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law.

The Philippines shares the AU’s values and aspirations and looks to further elevating relations with African countries, starting with the re-opening of the Philippine Embassy in Rabat, which will hopefully be followed by the opening of other posts in Africa in succeeding years.

The vast potential of the African market and its many opportunites have similarly captivated the private sector. A number of major Philippine companies have established their presence in Africa and are planning to expand operations.

With renewed vigor, the Philippines charts its new foreign policy directions towards Africa, confident of its strong and constructive ties with individual African nations and of the numerous promising areas to further cooperation.

I wish everyone a meaningfull celebration.