


Secretary of Foreign Affairs

On the ASEAN-G7 Foreign and Development Ministers Meeting 

Liverpool, United Kingdom, 12 December 2021




I thank the UK for hosting this event.

There is great potential in synergizing the G-7 members’ Indo-Pacific strategies and the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. They have common objectives.

UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Award are the twin anchors of Philippine positions and activities in the South China Sea. We will not raise anchor and drift or sail away from them. We value your support.

Recent incidents and the heightened tension in the South China Sea remain a serious concern. The Philippines fired diplomatic protests for every incursion and opposed application of China’s Coast Guard Law beyond the limits of its maritime entitlements under the 1982 UNCLOS. China can claim what it wants and say what it wants but it cannot do anything it pleases without blowback from the Philippines.

These worrying developments underscore the urgency and importance of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea. The Philippines, in its role as then Country Coordinator for ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations, is proud to have helped lead the process and build consensus. But negotiations for the Code of Conduct, even in our watch, went nowhere. I opposed the exclusion of any outside power from the South China Sea. That would create a semi-legal sphere of influence repugnant to the comity of all nations.

On Myanmar, we continue to push for the swift and full implementation of the Five-Point Consensus.

The military regime’s refusal to give the Special Envoy of the ASEAN Chair access to all stakeholders, as intended by the Consensus, is disappointing. The involvement of Aung Saan Suu Kyi and President Win Myint in the dialogue is crucial. Myanmar’s military authorities must demonstrate commitment to the Consensus by working with the Special Envoy.

We note Myanmar’s objection to the outcomes of the Emergency ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting held on 15 October 2021, specifically on its representation in the Summit meetings. The Philippines stands by its outcomes. The Emergency AMM was an opportunity for the Foreign Ministers to have a full and honest discussion on the matter. The decision was a reflection of ASEAN’s tradition of constructive dialogue, while safeguarding values important to ASEAN and which are enshrined in the ASEAN Charter, including the rule of law, good governance, and upholding of fundamental rights.

Despite Myanmar’s absence from the recent ASEAN Summit and related meetings, it continues to be part of ASEAN. The Philippines will continue working with ASEAN in its efforts to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the crisis.

In this time of the pandemic, the people of Myanmar should be protected from violence and harassment. We are one with ASEAN in working to provide the needed humanitarian assistance foremost vaccination to the Burmese without exposing them to retaliation. Detention after vaccination. We also welcome the support of our partners in this endeavor. Thank you. END