Remarks of
Secretary Enrique A. Manalo
on the Occasion of the
30th Anniversary of the Collaborative Work
Between the Republic of the Philippines
and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
26 September 2024
Partners and friends at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and the Korea International Cooperation Agency,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I wish to congratulate and thank the Korea International Cooperation Agency on 30 years of partnership with the Philippines. I also wish to thank the Government of the Republic of Korea for maintaining KOICA’s robust presence in the country.
Our concerted efforts in development cooperation over the past years have grown in quantity and scope. Our partnership now encompasses the fields of rural development, agriculture, disaster mitigation, climate resilience, tackling air pollution, and health care, among others. For this year alone, several projects in the Philippines are receiving funding from KOICA, including around 40 ongoing projects, 30 volunteers from World Friends Korea, and several training and scholarship programs with over a hundred Filipino recipients.
Throughout its three decades of partnership with the Philippines, KOICA has worked with different sectors and in various parts of the country. Its projects have had both long- and short-term positive impacts on the Philippines, especially at the community level which cannot be overstated. KOICA has played a crucial role in further enhancing the already strong bonds between the Philippines and the Republic of Korea. We look forward to continuing this fruitful and collaborative working relationship with KOICA.
The Philippines and the Republic of Korea mark 75 years of diplomatic relations this year,and we have built a strong, solid and forward-looking partnership.
In 1950, barely a year after the Philippines became the first country in the ASEAN region to forge formal ties with the Republic of Korea, we became the first country in Asia to respond to the call for assistance at the outbreak of the Korean War.
As such, relations between the Philippines and the Republic of Korea have been forged in the crucible of war and marked by our joint sacrifice in defense of freedom and democracy. Our ties have navigated history's ebbs and flows, and have been renewed, through our willingness to assist each other in times of need.
To this day, the 64,000-strong Filipino Community in the Republic of Korea continues to contribute to the country’s economic development. And the 37,000 Koreans making the Philippines their second home have also contributed to enriching our communities.
The Philippines and the Republic of Korea are partners in trade, with the ROK as our 5th largest trading partner. Korea is also our largest source of foreign tourists, comprising more than a quarter of inbound arrivals.
It is but natural to see the relationship between our two countries progress even further.
We are hopeful to elevate this to a Strategic Partnership soon. As the Philippines works with the Republic of Korea towards this noble goal, I am sure KOICA will play an increasingly meaningful and productive role through projects in the Philippines for the benefit of the Filipino people.
We applaud your dedication, and we commit to working closely with you, towards ensuring the success of our partnership towards the next 30 years and beyond.
Thank you and mabuhay.