While inside the Enrolment Section...
Here are some Guidelines to be followed :
Your frontal pose looking directly at the camera lens and showing your full face must be used. Rotation or tilting of the head either in an up/down or left/right direction must be avoided. The mid points of the mouth and the bridge of the nose should lie on an imaginary vertical line in the center of the image.
Your expression should be neutral with both eyes open and mouth closed. There should be no hair covering the eyes. Contrived expressions such as raised eyebrows, squinting or frowning are not acceptable.
When having their photos captured, applicant may smile, but without showing their teeth and gums. The ‘Mona Lisa’ smile is recommended.
Eyeglasses should always be removed before capturing the applicant’s photo.
The use of contact lenses for medical reasons is accepted, provided that the contact lenses do not change the applicant’s true eye color. Therefore, applicants are advised to take off their contact lenses before having their photos captured.
As much as possible, both ears of the applicant should be visible.
These accessories should be removed prior to photo capturing. Frizzy/afro hairstyles should be neatly arranged showing full frontal facial image.
The wearing of earrings is not allowed.
Infants or very small children who are unable to support themselves should be assisted by either parent or their guardians. Hands, arms, etc., used to support the child should not be visible. High-chair for minor applicants may be used, if needed.
ePassport Information @ DFA-OCA ASEANA