ASEAN Ladies Circle in Tehran Working Group Gathers Virtually, Welcomes New Members

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The Working Group (WG) of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Ladies Circle (ALC) in Tehran during their virtual meeting on 16 September 2020. (Tehran PE photo)

TEHRAN 21 September 2020 –The Working Group (WG) of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Ladies Circle in Tehran (ALC) gathered together virtually via Zoom meeting on 16 September 2020, the group’s first meeting since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran.

The Philippine Embassy in Tehran’s Cultural Officer and Attaché Charisse Malabanan and Assistance-to-Nationals (ATN) Officer and Attaché Rea Sebastian joined the WG meeting, along with representatives from the Embassies of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

The WG meeting, led by Ms. Rina Ariyani of the Embassy of Indonesia in Iran, discussed how to move forward with the pending activities of the ALC under the new normal including the welcoming of two new members of the WG–Ms. Charisse Malabanan and Ms. Saliza Ramli of the Embassy of Malaysia. END

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