DFA Consular Office in Tagum Participates in the 2020 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women

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Photo: DFA CO Tagum Gender Awareness and Development (GAD) Focal Point Officer Rosanna Fatima Umanan, awarding VAW t-shirt to a passport client who answered the trivia. (Tagum CO photo)

TAGUM 28 December 2020 — The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Consular Office (CO) Tagum participates in the 18-Day Campaign to End VAW, an advocacy campaign that is observed annually as mandated by Proclamation 1172 s. 2006.

In consonance with the recurring theme: “VAW-free community starts with me,” DFA CO Tagum showed support and participation in campaigning to end violence against women and children through short film viewing – the VAW Unspoken Word Playlist featuring different themes provided by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) from 25 November 2020 to 11 December 2020.  To increase public information, trivia quizzes and distribution of Anti-VAW flyers to passport clients, and calling on the general public to make a personal commitment to create a VAW-free community also took place in the 18-day campaign.

DFA CO Tagum held the culmination program of its campaign to end VAWC on 11 December 2020 at the Consular Processing Area. The brief program showed the “Aba, VAW” campaign video from the PCW. CO Tagum Officer-in-Charge Joany G. Margallo-Lucas also gave her message and informed how DFA offices in Philippines and abroad fulfills its role in addressing VAWC. CO Tagum conducted a mini trivia quiz about the RA 9262 and awarded Anti-VAW masks and t-shirts to the winners.  END

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Photo: DFA CO Tagum OIC Joany G. Margallo-Lucas (seated 2nd from left) with the CO Tagum personnel wearing VAWC T-shirt in support of the 18-day campaign to end Violence against Women. (Tagum CO photo)

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CO Tagum Personnel on-duty with the 2020 18-Day Campaign to End VAW Official Streamer. (Tagum CO photo)