PH WTO Mission Examines Trade-Gender Issues on International Women’s Day 2024

Mission to WTO personnel including attached agencies Department  of Trade and Industry and Department of Agriculture attended a discussion titled “Leaving No  Woman Behind: Making Trade Rules and Policies Truly Gender-Responsive” on International  Women’s Day on 08 March 2024 at the Mission in Geneva (Geneva PM photo)

GENEVA 20 March 2024 – The Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the World Trade Organization (WTO celebrated  International Women’s Day (IWD) on 08 March 2024 by a dedicated discussion with the WTO  senior gender expert on the gender-trade nexus. 

Titled “Leaving No Woman Behind: Making Trade Rules and Policies Truly Gender Responsive,” the discussion led by Ms. Anoush der Boghossian, Head of the WTO Gender and  Trade Office, acknowledged that women should be at the center of trade strategies for  economies to create equal opportunities and achieve women’s economic empowerment.  

Ms. der Boghossian emphasized the importance of the following strategies that governments  should focus on: creating opportunities for women to enter the workforce, addressing working  conditions through trade policy, and addressing obstacles faced by women entrepreneurs and  female farmers to access global markets. She stressed agriculture policies should also be  enhanced through capacity building projects for women farmers, input subsidies for female  farmers, green box subsidies, and intergovernmental collaboration when designing policies in  agriculture. 

In his welcome remarks, Ambassador Teehankee said the International Women’s Day (IWD) serves as a “poignant reminder of the progress made and the challenges that persist,”  encouraging personnel to support gender-inclusive policies and initiatives, create a more  supportive environment for women in the trade sector, and implement the Abu Dhabi  Declaration, particularly elements on inclusion related to women’s economic empowerment and MSME cooperation, which was adopted at the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference held in  Abu Dhabi on 26 February to 01 March 2024. He expressed gratitude to the Philippine  government’s efforts in promoting women’s participation in trade-related activities, advocating  policies that ensure equal opportunities, and enhancing the visibility of women's contributions  in the international trade arena. 

“Our work not only empowers women but also strengthens the fabric of our societies by  harnessing the full potential of every individual,” Ambassador Teehankee stressed. “As we  celebrate IWD, we reaffirm our commitment to gender equality, recognize the invaluable  contributions of women in shaping the global trade landscape. May the Philippines’ continued  success in this area inspire positive change and serve as a beacon for others to follow.” 

For his part, Mission GAD focal person First Secretary Oliver Delfin said IWD is not just about  celebrations but making sure gender-trade issues are discussed, understood and addressed. The  Philippine Mission and WTO Secretariat agreed to explore areas of collaboration on  stakeholder engagement, by including women’s business association and  organization in future activities of the WTO’s Informal Working Group on Trade and Gender. END 

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