PH Embassy in Port Moresby Conducts Seminar-Forum on Labor and Employment Issues Affecting Women

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Left photo: Atty. Menchie Numi during her lecture on Labor and Employment issues. Right photo: Atty. Numi receiving the Certificate of Appreciation from Chargé d’Affaires, ad interim, Mr. Ariz Severino V. Convalecer. (Port Moresby PE photos)

PORT MORESBY 01 April 2024 – In celebration of International Women’s Month, the Philippine Embassy in Port Moresby, led by Chargé d’Affaires, ad interim, Ariz Severino V. Convalecer, organized a Seminar-Forum on Labor and Employment Issues Affecting Women on 23 March 2024 at the Embassy’s multi-purpose hall. 

The event, which lasted over two hours, aimed to raise awareness and educate all female workers in Papua New Guinea, particularly our kababayans, on labor and employment issues. Through the open forum, many specific labor-related cases, issues and concerns were identified, discussed and given legal advice by Atty. Menchie Numi, the seminar’s resource person. 

Atty. Numi is an Associate of Young and Williams Lawyers, the Embassy’s retained law firm. She holds the distinction of being the only Filipino admitted to the practice of law in Papua New Guinea. END

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