• 1 of 6 Frequently Asked Questions on DFA Passport and Authentication Services
  • 2 of 6 This is a drug-free workplace. Let's keep it that way.

    This is a drug-free workplace. Let's keep it that way.

  • 3 of 6 RA 11313
  • 4 of 6 2024 National Women's Month Celebration
  • 5 of 6 Buwan ng Wika
  • 6 of 6 IHL





  1. Confirmed Online Appointment
  2. Accomplished Application Form
  3. Personal appearance
  4. Current ePassport with photocopy of data page
  5. Original PSA authenticated documents that will support the change of name
    • Marriage Contract
    • Annotated Birth Certificate
    • Annotated Marriage Contract to show annulment/divorce/court ordered instruction
    • Death Certificate of Spouse


NOTE: If woman opts to retain maiden name, a Marriage Contract is not required.


*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Adult Renewal Applications.




In addition to the core requirements, the following supporting documents will be further required for the following cases:

Note: Some cases will require the application to be treated as a New Application rather than a renewal


1. In case of a Lost VALID ePassport - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment still required)

If photo copy of the applicant's last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required.


Additional Requirements for Lost Valid ePassport:

Police Report in English (Original and photocopy)

Affidavit of Loss in English (Original and photocopy)

Penalty Fee: Php350.00


Additional 15 business days clearing period for Lost Valid Passports.



2. In case of a Lost EXPIRED ePassport - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION:

(Online appointment still required)

If photo copy of the applicant's last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required


Additional Requirements for Lost Expired ePassport:

Affidavit of Loss in English

Penalty Fee: Php350.00



3. In case of renewal of a frequently Lost Passport - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION:

(Online appointment still required)


Additional Requirements for renewal of Frequently Lost Passport:

Police Report in English

Affidavit of Loss in English

Penalty Fee: Php350.00



4. In case applicant used a Travel Document to travel back to the Philippines - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION:

(Online appointment still required)


Additional Requirements for Applicants who used Travel Documents to Travel back to the Philippines:

Original Travel Document

Affidavit of Explanation



5. In case applicant lost the Travel Document used to travel back to the Philippines - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION:

(Online appointment still required)


Additional Documents for Lost Travel Documents used to travel back to the Philippines:

Original Travel Records from Bureau of Immigration

Affidavit of Explanation



6. In case passport has been mutilated or damaged - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION:

(Online appointment still required)


Additional requirements for Mutilated and / or Damaged Passports:

Affidavit of Explanation

Applicant must surrender mutilated/damaged passport

Penalty Fee: Php350.00



7. In case applicant is a Dual Citizen (in addition with the Renewal Core Requirements)

(Online appointment still required)

Government Issued IDs (Refer to Valid Philippine Government Issued IDs or their secondary citizenship/residence counterparts)

Report of Birth OR Identification Certificate issued by the Philippine consulate or the Bureau of Immigration



8. In case applicant is a Naturalized Citizen (in addition with the Renewal Core Requirements)

Identification Certificate of Naturalization from Bureau of Immigration



9. In case applicant is a Filipino citizen by Election (in addition with the Renewal Core Requirements)

Affidavit of Election of Philippine Citizenship

Identification Certificate of Election from BI



(Green, Brown, Machine Readable (Maroon) Passport or any older Passports



  1. Confirmed Online Appointment
  2. Accomplished Application Form
  3. Personal appearance
  4. Current Passport with photocopy of data page
  5. Original PSA authenticated documents that will support the change of name
    • Marriage Contract
    • Annotated Birth Certificate
    • Annotated Marriage Contract to show annulment/divorce/court ordered instruction
    • Death Certificate of Spouse
  6. Any of the following Valid IDs with one (1) Photocopy (click here for the List of Acceptable IDs for Passport Processing)


NOTE: If woman opts to retain maiden name, a Marriage Contract is not required.


*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional supporting document requirements for Adult Renewal non-ePassport Applications.



In addition to the core requirements, the following supporting documents will be further required for the following cases:

1. In case of a Lost VALID NON e-Passport - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment still required)

If photo copy of the applicant's last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required.

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Adult Renewal non-ePassport Applications (Lost Valid Passports)


Additional Requirements for Lost Valid ePassport:

Police Report in English (Original and photocopy)

Affidavit of Loss in English (Original and photocopy)

Penalty Fee: Php350.00


Additional 15 business days clearing period for Lost Valid Passports.


2. In case of a Lost EXPIRED NON e-Passport - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION:

(Online appointment still required)

If photo copy of the applicant's last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Adult Renewal non-ePassport Applications (Lost Valid Passports)


Additional Requirements for Lost Expired NON e-Passport:

Affidavit of Loss in English

Penalty Fee: Php350.00


3. In case of renewal of a frequently Lost Passport - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION:

(Online appointment still required)


Additional Requirements for renewal of Frequently Lost Passport:

Police Report in English

Affidavit of Loss in English

Penalty Fee: Php350.00


4. In case applicant used a Travel Document to travel back to the Philippines - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION:

(Online appointment still required)


Additional Requirements for Applicants who used Travel Documents to Travel back to the Philippines:

Original Travel Document

Affidavit of Explanation


5. In case applicant lost the Travel Document used to travel back to the Philippines - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION:

(Online appointment still required)


Additional Documents for Lost Travel Documents used to travel back to the Philippines:

Original Travel Records from Bureau of Immigration

Affidavit of Explanation


6. In case passport has been mutilated or damaged - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION:

(Online appointment still required)


Additional requirements for Mutilated and / or Damaged Passports:

Affidavit of Explanation

Applicant must surrender mutilated/damaged passport

Penalty Fee: Php350.00


7. In case applicant is a Dual Citizen (in addition with the Renewal Core Requirements)

(Online appointment still required)

Government Issued IDs (Refer to Valid Philippine Government Issued IDs or their secondary citizenship/residence counterparts)

Report of Birth OR Identification Certificate issued by the Philippine consulate or the Bureau of Immigration


8. In case applicant is a Naturalized Citizen (in addition with the Renewal Core Requirements)

Identification Certificate of Naturalization from Bureau of Immigration


9. In case applicant is a Filipino citizen by Election (in addition with the Renewal Core Requirements)

Affidavit of Election of Philippine Citizenship

Identification Certificate of Election from BI






  1. Confirmed Online Appointment (if applicable) - Children 7 years old and below do not need to have an online appointment. They are entitled to avail of the courtesy lane together with their parent/s and minor siblings.
  2. Accomplished Application Form
  3. Personal Appearance of minor applicant and either parent or authorized adult companion
  4. Current ePassport with photocopy of data page
  5. Marriage Certificate is required if only one parent is accompanying the child.
    • If parents are unmarried, an Affidavit of Support and/or Consent executed by the Mother will be required if she is not accompanying the child.
    • If Affidavit of Support and/or Consent is executed abroad, it must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate.
  6. Original and photocopy of proof of filiation and/or guardianship
  7. Passport or Valid Government issued ID of either parent with one (1) Photocopy (click here for the List of Acceptable IDs for Passport Application)
  8. School ID (if applicable)

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional supporting document requirements for Minor Renewal Applications



In addition to the core requirements, the following SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS will be further required in the following cases: 


1. In case of a Lost VALID ePassport – will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment for minor above 7 years of age still required)

If photo copy of the applicant's last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required.

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal Applications (Lost Valid Passports).


Additional Requirements for Lost Valid ePassport:

Police Report in English (It must be filed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application. Original and photocopy required.)

Affidavit of Loss in English (It must be signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application. Original and photocopy required.)

Penalty Fee: Php350.00

Additional 15 business days clearing period for Lost Valid Passports.



2. In case of Lost EXPIRED Passport - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment for minor above 7 years of age still required)

If photo copy of the applicant's last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required.

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal Applications (Lost Expired Passports).


Additional Requirements for Lost Expired Passport:

Affidavit of Loss in English (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)

Penalty Fee: Php350.00



3. In case of renewal of a Frequently Lost Passport - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment for minor above 7 years of age still required)

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal Applications (Frequently Lost Passports).


Additional Requirements for renewal of Frequently Lost Passport:

Police Report in English (filed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)

Affidavit of Loss in English (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)

Penalty Fee: Php350.00



4. In case applicant used a Travel Document to travel back to the Philippines - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment for minor above 7 years of age still required)

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal Applications (Use of Travel Document).


Additional Requirements for Applicants who used Travel Documents to Travel back to the Philippines:

Original Travel Document

Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)



5. In case applicant lost the Travel Document used to travel back to the Philippines - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment for minor above 7 years of age still required)

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal Applications (Lost Travel Document).


Additional Documents for Lost Travel Documents used to travel back to the Philippines:

Original Travel Records from Bureau of Immigration

Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)



6. In case passport has been mutilated or damaged - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment for minor above 7 years of age still required)

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal Applications (Mutilated or Damaged Passports).


Additional requirements for Mutilated and / or Damaged Passports:

Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)

Applicant must surrender mutilated/damaged passport

Penalty Fee: Php350.00



7. In case applicant is not accompanied by the parent/s during the application process

Applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the parent/s designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad

Passport or Valid Government issued ID of authorized adult companion

Special Power of Attorney or Affidavit of Support and Consent must have a copy of parent/s valid ID and/or passport attached



8. In case applicant is not traveling with parent/s

Applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the parent/s. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be Consularized by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad

Passport or Valid Government issued ID of authorized adult companion for the List of Acceptable IDs for Passport Application)



9. In case applicant is an illegitimate child in custody of the Mother

Personal Appearance of minor applicant and mother or authorized adult companion

Passport or Valid Government issued ID of mother or authorized Adult Companion

If applicant is not accompanied by mother during the application process, applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the mother designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad

If applicant is not traveling with Mother, applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the mother. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.



10. If the applicant is an illegitimate child and mother is deceased / absent and father is unknown

Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adult guardian

PSA Birth Certificate

Valid Passport or valid government ID of adult guardian

DSWD Clearance

Affidavit of Guardianship



11. If the minor applicant has undergone the process of domestic adoption

Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adoptive parent/s

Valid passport or valid government issued ID of adoptive parent/s

Court Decree of Adoption and documents to prove the identity of the child. (eg. Birth Certificate, Certificate of Foundling)

If applicant is not accompanied by adoptive parent/s during the application process, applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the adoptive parent/s designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.

If applicant is not traveling with adoptive parent/s, applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the adoptive parent/s. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.



12. If the minor applicant is undergoing or has undergone the process of foreign adoption / Inter Country Adoption Board (ICAB) adoption process

Personal Appearance of minor applicant and ICAB representative

Endorsement from ICAB

Certificate of Child Available for Adoption/Deed of Voluntary Commitment

Placement Authority issued by ICAB

Certificate for Issuance of Passport issued by ICAB and documents to prove the identity of the child (eg. Birth Certificate, Certificate of Foundling)

Clearance for Inter-Country Adoption

Child Study Report

DSWD clearance



13. If the applicant is a foundling and NOT for adoption

Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adult guardian

PSA Certificate of Foundling

Passport or Valid Government issued ID of adult guardian

DSWD clearance

Affidavit of guardianship


Brown, Green, Machine Readable (Maroon) Passports or any older Passports



  1. Confirmed Online Appointment (if applicable) - Children 7 years old and below do not need to have an online appointment. They are entitled to avail of the courtesy lane together with their parent/s and minor siblings.
  2. Accomplished Application Form
  3. Personal Appearance of minor applicant and either parent or authorized adult companion
  4. Current ePassport with photocopy of data page
  5. Marriage Certificate is required if only one parent is accompanying the child.
    • If parents are unmarried, an Affidavit of Support and/or Consent executed by the Mother will be required if she is not accompanying the child.
    • If Affidavit of Support and/or Consent is executed abroad, it must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate.
  6. Passport or Valid Government issued ID of either parent with one (1) Photocopy
  7. Any of the following Valid IDs with one (1) Photocopy

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional supporting document requirements for Minor Renewal non e-Passport Applications



  1. Social Security System (SSS) / Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
  2. Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver’s License. Student Permit may be accepted if in card format.
  3. Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
  4. Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) / Integrated Department of Labor and Employment (iDOLE) card
  5. Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Voter's ID or Voter's Certification from the Election Officer with Dry Seal
  6. Philippine National Police (PNP) Firearms License
  7. Senior Citizen ID
  8. Airman License (issued August 2016 onwards)
  9. Philippine Postal ID (issued November 2016 onwards)
  10. School ID (if applicable)
  11. For applicants based overseas, they may use their host government issued IDs showing their Philippine citizenship. (Example: Residence Card)



In addition to the core requirements, the following SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS will be further required in the following cases: 

1. In case of a Lost VALID NON e-Passport - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment still required)

If photo copy of the applicant's last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required.

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal non e-Passport Applications (Lost Expired Passports).


Additional Requirements for Lost Valid ePassport:

Police Report in English (Original and photocopy)

Affidavit of Loss in English (Original and photocopy)

Penalty Fee: Php350.00


Additional 15 business days clearing period for Lost Valid Passports.



2. In case of Lost EXPIRED NON e-Passport - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment for minor above 7 years of age still required)

If photo copy of the applicant's last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required.

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal non e-Passport Applications (Lost Expired Passports).


Additional Requirements for Lost Expired Passport:

Affidavit of Loss in English (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)

Penalty Fee: Php350.00


3. In case of renewal of a Frequently Lost Passport - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment for minor above 7 years of age still required)

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal non-ePassport Applications (Frequently Lost Passports).


Additional Requirements for renewal of Frequently Lost Passport:

Police Report in English (filed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)

Affidavit of Loss in English (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)

Penalty Fee: Php350.00



4. In case applicant used a Travel Document to travel back to the Philippines - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment for minor above 7 years of age still required)

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal non-ePassport Applications (Use of Travel Document).


Additional Requirements for Applicants who used Travel Documents to Travel back to the Philippines:

Original Travel Document

Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)



5. In case applicant lost the Travel Document used to travel back to the Philippines - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment for minor above 7 years of age still required)

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal non e-Passport Applications (Lost Travel Document).


Additional Documents for Lost Travel Documents used to travel back to the Philippines:

Original Travel Records from Bureau of Immigration

Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)



6. In case passport has been mutilated or damaged - will be treated as NEW APPLICATION

(Online appointment for minor above 7 years of age still required)

*Additional requirements may be required. Please refer to the section below for additional requirements for Minor Renewal non e-Passport Applications (Mutilated or Damaged Passports).


Additional requirements for Mutilated and / or Damaged Passports:

Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)

Applicant must surrender mutilated/damaged passport

Penalty Fee: Php350.00



7. In case applicant is not accompanied by the parent/s during the application process

Applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the parent/s designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad

Passport or Valid Government issued ID of authorized adult companion

Special Power of Attorney or Affidavit of Support and Consent must have a copy of parent/s valid ID and/or passport attached



8. In case applicant is not traveling with parent/s

Applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the parent/s. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be Consularized by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad

Passport or Valid Government issued ID of authorized adult companion for the List of Acceptable IDs for Passport Application)



9. In case applicant is an illegitimate child in custody of the Mother

Personal Appearance of minor applicant and mother or authorized adult companion

Passport or Valid Government issued ID of mother or authorized Adult Companion

If applicant is not accompanied by mother during the application process, applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the mother designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad

If applicant is not traveling with Mother, applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the mother. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.



10. If the applicant is an illegitimate child and mother is deceased / absent and father is unknown

Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adult guardian

PSA Birth Certificate

Valid Passport or valid government ID of adult guardian

DSWD Clearance

Affidavit of Guardianship



11. If the minor applicant has undergone the process of domestic adoption

Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adoptive parent/s

Valid passport or valid government issued ID of adoptive parent/s

Court Decree of Adoption and documents to prove the identity of the child. (eg. Birth Certificate, Certificate of Foundling)

If applicant is not accompanied by adoptive parent/s during the application process, applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the adoptive parent/s designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.

If applicant is not traveling with adoptive parent/s, applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the adoptive parent/s. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.



12. If the minor applicant is undergoing or has undergone the process of foreign adoption / Inter Country Adoption Board (ICAB) adoption process

Personal Appearance of minor applicant and ICAB representative

Endorsement from ICAB

Certificate of Child Available for Adoption/Deed of Voluntary Commitment

Placement Authority issued by ICAB

Certificate for Issuance of Passport issued by ICAB and documents to prove the identity of the child (eg. Birth Certificate, Certificate of Foundling)

Clearance for Inter-Country Adoption

Child Study Report

DSWD clearance



13. If the applicant is a foundling and NOT for adoption

Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adult guardian

PSA Certificate of Foundling

Passport or Valid Government issued ID of adult guardian

DSWD clearance

Affidavit of guardianship