As the TCDC focal point of the Philippines, to formulate and execute the Philippine Technical Cooperation Program in favor of developing countries, particularly the least developed among them, bearing in mind the further strengthening of the competitive edge of the Philippines in socio-economic development.
A socially and economically developed, interdependent and empowered developing and least developed countries able to maintain harmony, sustainable growth and manage globalization effectively with the Philippines in a leadership role.
- Offer non-degree training courses in areas where the Philippines has developed the experience and expertise, and which are relevant to the development efforts of beneficiary countries and the Philippines.
- Coordinate related projects and activities concerned with Technical / Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC / ECDC) which are implemented by other agencies of the Philippine Government and / or counterpart TCDC Focal Points of other countries.
- Undertake research on the technical assistance requirements of the Philippines and other developing countries and the LDCs.
1. Quarterly and Annual Financial Report
1.1 Statement of Allotment, Obligations and Balances
a. FY 2022
a.1 1st Quarter
a.2 2nd Quarter
a.3 3rd Quarter
a.4 4th Quarter
b. FY 2021
b.1 1st Quarter
b.2 2nd Quarter
b.3 3rd Quarter
b.4 4th Quarter
c. FY 2020
d. FY 2016
e. FY 2015
f. FY 2014
g. FY 2013
1.2 Summary of Disbursements
a. FY 2022
a.1 1st Quarter
a.2 2nd Quarter
a.3 3rd Quarter
a.4 4th Quarter
b. FY 2021
b.1 1st Quarter
b.2 2nd Quarter
b.3 3rd Quarter
b.4 4th Quarter
c. FY 2020
d. FY 2016
e. FY 2015 (pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
f. FY 2014
g. FY 2013
1.3 Physical Report of Operations / Physical Plan
a. FY 2022
a.1 1st Quarter
a.2 2nd Quarter
a.3 3rd Quarter
a.4 4th Quarter
b. FY 2021
b.1 1st Quarter
b.2 2nd Quarter
b.3 3rd Quarter
b.4 4th Quarter
c. FY 2020
d. FY 2016
e. FY 2015
g. FY 2013
2. Approved Budget
a. FY 2022
b. FY 2021
c. FY 2020
d. FY 2019
e. FY 2018
f. FY 2017
g. FY 2016
b. FY 2015
3. Accomplishment Report
a. FY 2021
a. FY 2020
a. FY 2019
a. FY 2018
a. FY 2017
a. FY 2016
b. FY 2015
c. FY 2014
d. FY 2013
4. Annual Procurement Plan
a. FY 2023
b. FY 2022
c. FY 2021
d. FY 2020
e. FY 2016
f. FY 2015
g. FY 2014
h. FY 2013
5. TCCP Quality Management System
6. Freedom of Information (FOI) Manual
7. Agency Review and Compliance Procedure of Statements and Financial Disclosures
Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth Review and Compliance Procedure
a. CY 2022
b. CY 2021
c. CY 2020
d. CY 2019
e. CY 2018
8. Scorecard
a. FY 2018